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Able Varghese
Able Varghese

What is Supernatural School of Prophets?

Supernatural School of Prophets (SSP) is a short term empowering programme for those who have the call for prophetic ministry or someone who wants to know  more about prophetic ministry. We are committed to teach from the Word of God as Holy Spirit leads and reveals. 

Able Varghese
Able Varghese


SSP was a great blessing for me and my family.
It unlocked my prophetical gift to the next realm.
We also received great insights on who is a Prophet according to the Bible.

—Pr. Basil, Lighthouse church Bangalore

What can I expect from SSP?

We are based on Biblical principles and among the many topics we teach some of them are about Prophetic ministry, how to grow in this ministry, the importance of prophetic ministry, the lifestyle of a Prophet and the common challenges faced by a Prophet and Prophetic ministries.


We are open and receptive to the move of  Holy Spirit during the classes. We give utmost respect and honour to the presence and movement of  Holy Spirit any time God wants. You can expect to be Edified, Exhorted and Empowered.

Who can attend SSP?

SSP is an open platform for anyone who has the Prophetic calling and for those who want to grow in prophetic ministry. We encourage only Born Again, Baptised (as per the Word of God) and Spirit filled people to attend the sessions. That does not mean we discourage others who do not meet these requirements but would rather encourage them to wait for God's time or contact us for more details.



Contact Us

If you are looking forward to participate the upcoming Programme here is the simple way, leave your details we will get in touch with you soon.

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